The death of a loved one is a distressing time, but it can be even more difficult if you are upset by the contents of their Will or feel that they didn’t make adequate financial provision for you. Our specialist inheritance dispute solicitors can help you claim against an estate or trust if you’re dissatisfied with their actions or the amount they left you. They are highly rated for their skills in resolving these types of disputes.
Our specialist lawyers can advise you on your rights and provide assertive, compassionate representation. Inheritance dispute cases involve emotional issues and complex legal matters. They can be lengthy and expensive to resolve so it’s essential that you seek specialist advice at the earliest opportunity.
Inheritance disputes can be very traumatic for all parties and relationships can be severely damaged, even in the wake of a loved one’s death. That’s why you can rely on us to treat your case with sensitivity, discretion and skill. Our team of specialist inheritance dispute solicitors include members of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners and are highly regarded by their peers for the quality of their work.
We offer a range of services specialist inheritance disputes to our clients including private individuals (actual or disappointed beneficiaries), professional personal representatives, trustees and trust corporations. We also act for charities.
If you’re thinking about challenging a will, there are specific legal grounds that must be met in order to succeed, such as an error in the completion of paperwork; lack of mental capacity (the law on this is very precise); that another person put pressure on the deceased to make their final will or that the will was fraudulently obtained through a practice known as fraudulent calumny.
Our solicitors can also assist with alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation and binding arbitration. These are less adversarial approaches that can be less costly, more flexible and may preserve family relationships. They can also help with valuations of assets, interpreting legal documents and navigating the complexities of tax and probate law. Our experts are experienced in bringing forward claims under The Inheritance Act and defending those claims on behalf of beneficiaries.